Puppy Sound Training

As part of our 3-20 weeks experience, our puppies experience recorded sounds they may encounter out in the real work. Alexa makes this job easy and fun, but it is an essential part of puppy raising. We teach your puppy to be comfortable with all number of sounds is essential to having a calm, well-adjusted dog, and suited for use in therapy if needed. Dogs have far more sensitive hearing than humans and can detect much quieter sounds. Their sense of hearing is about four times as sensitive as ours, so what we hear at 20 feet, a dog can hear at about 80 feet. They also hear a lot of things we don't because they can hear higher-frequency sounds. This makes normal everyday human sounds potentially overwhelming. Our goal to to slowly expose them to minor stressors over time, so they become accustom to our loud crazy world and live without fear!

  • Baby Cries Barking Dogs, Camera Sounds, Drilling, Fireworks, Grooming, Lawnmower, Kids playing, Tractor, Motorbikes, Nail gun, Garbage Truck, Power Saw, Storms Sounds, Traffic & Roads, Sneezing, Trains, Vacuum Cleaner, Cats, Birds, Thunder, Plastic Bags, Crowds, Metal Crates, Planes, Helicopters.

  • We begin with lowest possible volume and increase the volume very, very slowly, until we see the first signs that the doodle puppy is reacting to the noise.

  • A reaction might be small, such as twitching their ears. Once your dog starts to react, we leave the sounds at that volume for a few minutes to let them get used to it. Very similar to what we do with a cold pack during ENS training.

  • We play the sounds at this low level for 5-10 minutes, 3-4 times a day. Once our pups have stopped responding to the noise, we turn the volume up slightly, until they begin to respond again.

  • We continue playing these sounds in this way daily, over a period of several weeks, until they no longer reacts to the sounds, even at a higher volume! Thunderstorms are our favorite!