4-WEEK Stokeshire Doodle SCHOOL


Our main goal is to eliminate the worst of your puppy's potty and crate training. We also take the puppy out to do some socialization, which helps your puppy form positive associations with the world around them. Obedience cues are introduced using positive methods to teach your puppy to love training and listening to you! Below you find a synopsis of each thing included with our 4-Week Doodle Preschool Program and what you can expect:

Setting a routine is one of the most crucial aspects of puppy ownership. Puppies, like small children, require a great deal of sleep and thrive when there is a balance for their wake-sleep-play intervals.


Our 4-Week Doodle Preschool Program serves as an introduction to various essential aspects of puppy training and care. Here's a look at how each component acts as a foundational step:

  1. Routine Establishment: Introducing the concept of a balanced daily routine lays the groundwork for future training and development.

  2. Crate & Potty Training: The program provides initial guidance and tools to kickstart the potty and crate training process, setting the stage for further refinement.

  3. House Manners & Obedience: Introducing fundamental cues and managing behaviors serves as an introductory phase to more advanced obedience training.

  4. Socialization: Guiding the puppy through socialization experiences at this stage helps lay a solid foundation for positive interactions and confidence-building in various environments going into their fear period.

  5. Healthcare & Grooming: Introducing regular grooming practices and ensuring up-to-date vaccinations & dewormings initiate the puppy into a lifetime of good health habits. *Some puppies will only have one shot before going home.

Crate & Potty Training Goals

  • Basic Potty Training - The puppy will have an established potty schedule and should be 90% accident-free when being monitored and kept on a schedule. 

  • Basic Crate Training - The puppy will enter the kennel with a treat, sleep through the night for 6 - 8 hours in a crate, or relax during the day for up to 3 hours.

​House Manners & Obedience GOALS

  • Stair training

  • "off" command - lessens jumping on furniture introduced.

  • Recognized a "positive interrupter" to disengage the puppy from undesirable behaviors.

  • Leash walking - Puppy will calmly allow leash and harness to be put on. 30-minute walks.

  • Cues (the following cues will be introduced and performed in a low-distraction environment)

    • Sit

    • Down

    • Kennel

    • Come


  • Guidance through the puppy's "fear period" - helps to not make negative associations with potential fear factors

  • Started on an 80-point socialization checklist

  • Group socialization time out in public (restaurants, stores, etc.)

  • Weekly Puppy Class in the play-yard (weather permitting)


  • Regular baths & nail trims

  • Fur trim around the puppy's face, feet, and fanny.

  • Up-to-date on vaccines - (records to transfer to the owner at the time of puppy's arrival) These will include the core vaccines, which are administered in a series of three: at/near 6-, 12-, and 16 weeks old in accordance with our Vaccine Protocol and recommendations by the AKC and our vet. 12 Week Shots will need to be made with your vet.


NOTE: The puppy will have an adjustment period when it must learn its new environment & people. This may take a few days up to a few weeks.

  • If you are interested in adding this package to your puppy, please contact us directly.

  • Payment for this training package is due at the time of matchmaking at your puppy's 6-week birthday​

  •  Puppies must remain with us for the full four weeks. Additional days may be added for $100 Per extra day. This will continue their daily training. To avoid this fee, please make plans to pick up your puppy by its 12-week birthday.​