Posts tagged Nutrition
Foods and Supplements to Improve Fertility and Puppy Health in Doodles & Poodles

As any dog breeder or pet parent knows, nutrition plays a pivotal role in a dog's overall health, well-being, and longevity. But did you know that it's equally essential for canine fertility and puppy health? Strategic nutrition choices can directly impact a dam's ability to conceive, the health of her puppies at birth, and their long-term vitality. As we delve deeper into the world of Doodles & Poodles, let's explore the key foods and supplements that are instrumental in enhancing fertility and puppy health.

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Food Intake and Nutrition for Dam & Puppies: Guide for Doodle Breeders

Good nutrition is essential for the health of doodle dams and their puppies. By providing a balanced diet during pregnancy, nursing, and weaning, breeders can ensure their doodle dogs lead healthy lives. Remember, the food you give them now has long-lasting effects on their health and well-being. So, choose their meals carefully! Proper nutrition during pregnancy, nursing, and weaning is crucial for nurturing healthy generations of dogs. Meeting their specific dietary needs during these important stages is key to their well-being and the success of their reproductive journey. Understanding and customizing their diet during these phases is essential for raising healthier generations of beloved pets.

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Whelping Dam Care: Best Nutrition to Give For Whelping Dogs 

It is vital to make sure that your dogs are given the best nutrients during pregnancy up to the whelping stage. According to the American Kennel Club, a bitch makes use of her stored nutrition before and after her pregnancy thus it is important that she has enough supply of vitamins, minerals, and proteins that will support her body through these major changes. Malnutrition can cause physical abnormalities in her puppies. While obese or overweight dogs can run the risk of a difficult pregnancy.

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