Posts in Education
Understanding and Addressing Dog Pooping in Crate Issues: A Comprehensive Guide

In the journey of dog ownership, where love and joy abound, there exists a common challenge known as Dirty Dog Syndrome. At Stokehsire Designer Doodles, we've witnessed this perplexing behavior firsthand. Dogs, once impeccably trained, suddenly show indifference towards soiling their crates, leaving owners puzzled and frustrated. This phenomenon, although disheartening, is not without remedy. Enter Doodle School, where we specialize in addressing and overcoming challenges like Dirty Dog Syndrome, especially among our beloved puppies.

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Helpful Guide for Puppy Buyers: Dealing with a Positive Roundworm Fecal Sample

Ensure your pet's well-being by staying informed about common health issues like roundworm infections. As a responsible pet owner, preventive measures and regular veterinary consultations are key to maintaining their health as they age. When socializing your puppy, prioritize safety by avoiding high-traffic dog areas early on, but still encourage healthy interaction. With proper care and attention, your puppy can overcome any challenges. Don't hesitate to consult your vet for guidance. Hygiene is vitalβ€”maintain cleanliness in your yard and practice regular handwashing to keep your family and furry friend healthy.

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Navigating Your Female Dog's First Heat: Essential Tips for Bernedoodle Puppy Parents

Prepare for your Bernedoodle puppy's first heat with confidence using our comprehensive guide. From understanding the signs to practical tips for care, we've got you covered. Stay informed, stay prepared, and nurture your furry friend through this natural phase with ease. Trust Stokeshire Designer Doodles to support you on your puppy parenting journey, from day one to her golden years.

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NAET for Dogs: Holistic Allergy Elimination Techniques

At Stokeshire, we prioritize the health of our puppies and offer guidance to breeders and pet owners in the Midwest. We understand the distress caused by allergies in pets and the limitations of conventional treatments. Introducing NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Techniques) – a holistic method that tackles allergies at their core, promising lasting relief and improved well-being for your furry companion. Explore our guide tailored for Stokeshire Designer Doodles to learn about the foundations and benefits of NAET for dogs, empowering you to make informed decisions about your pet's health.

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Foods and Supplements to Improve Fertility and Puppy Health in Doodles & Poodles

As any dog breeder or pet parent knows, nutrition plays a pivotal role in a dog's overall health, well-being, and longevity. But did you know that it's equally essential for canine fertility and puppy health? Strategic nutrition choices can directly impact a dam's ability to conceive, the health of her puppies at birth, and their long-term vitality. As we delve deeper into the world of Doodles & Poodles, let's explore the key foods and supplements that are instrumental in enhancing fertility and puppy health.

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