Do Puppies Need A Blanket? Top Reasons Why You Need to Get One 

dog blankets

If you are getting a puppy for the first time, make a note to get a blanket for it. Do puppies need a blanket? The answer is a resounding yes. Your litter needs a blanket not just for comfort but for several other reasons too. 

Reasons Why Puppies Need A Blanket 

Sense of security.

The blanket serves as the puppy’s protection. It is similar to how a dog would wrap her pup to protect it. One important thing to note is that the blanket should take the scent of the litter’s mom. Otherwise, you can take a blanket and leave it at the pet shop for a few days. This will allow the blanket to absorb the scent of the place. The scent is vital as it reduces the puppy’s stress and anxiety of being moved to a new environment. Just like a newborn baby, puppies love to snuggle and feel the warmth of their mother. 

According to a study, a dog’s anxiety is lessened when they are wrapped. This is the reason why some fur parents tend to wrap their dogs in blankets to reduce their stress when they hear firecrackers or thunderstorms. You can always hug them. But you can also try other alternatives such as anxiety wraps to keep them calm and comfortable. 

Sense of Protection.

Newborn puppies do not have the stamina to withstand cold weather. Having the blanket around provides them with protection against changing weather. Puppies are sensitive to cold weather so a blanket around keeps them warm. If the litter is unwell their blanket provides them another layer of protection. You could also use the blankets during chilly nights or winter season for your puppy to snuggle near you. Make sure to monitor the temperature even if your pup has its blanket. It might get too cold for them and the blanket’s thickness is not enough to keep them warm. 

Keep the blanket in areas where your pet could easily grab it during stressful occasions. If you need to go out with your pup but your fur pet is not a fan of parks, you can take the blanket with you. 

Allows a Good Sleep.

For human beings, the recommended number of hours for good sleep is at least 8 hours. But for dogs, good sleep means that they had at least 12-14 hours of rest. Imagine having some nice, soft, and warm blanket you can snuggle with. This will help you get some good rest.  

There are dog breeds that get too sensitive to cold environments as compared to other breeds. Giving them a blanket keeps them from getting chilly, especially at night. 

Sense of Home.

Once your dog gets familiar with the blanket, they would consider it as their personal space. Place the blanket in an area where you want your pup to stay. It will take some time but your puppy will eventually associate the blanket with their sleeping pods. 

What Types of Blankets to give your puppies 

There are plenty of blankets for puppies in the market which you can choose from. It may be overwhelming for a first-time fur parent to decide which one to buy. There are some considerations to take into consideration before buying. 

1. Natural Materials. Many dogs find that the cozier the blanket, the better. A blanket made of sherpa material is always a canine favorite. Other materials to consider include fleece and cotton blends. Puppies are sensitive. It is vital to provide them with toxic-free material. This is to ensure that they don't inhale harmful materials. 

2. Tassel free blankets are a must. It is better to grab something which doesn't contain any designs that can fall off. Your pup may choke on the small materials attached to your blanket. 

3. Get lightweight blankets. Some puppies like to carry their blankets around the house. Having a lightweight blanket allows them to easily move their comfort blanket from one location to another. 

4. Consider the blanket size. Your pup might enjoy a warm cuddle with a huge blanket. But an overlarge one could make it difficult for it to move around. Though research suggests that they are unlikely to suffocate from an overly large blanket, they could overheat. According to Noah’s Ark Veterinary Service, watch out if your pup is showing muscle tremors, excessive drooling, or difficulty in breathing. It might be experiencing overheating. 

5. Soft materials only. Get your furry friend a blanket made of soft materials only. Any pointy or rough edges could hurt them. Remember puppies are like babies, they are still very delicate. Make sure that there are no toxins or other synthetic materials used. If you are getting a colored blanket, make sure that organic dye was used to color it. 

6. Easy to wash. Get something that you can easily clean up or toss in the washing machine. But the material of your pup’s blanket should be of quality. This will ensure that the blanket will last for years. Remember you don’t have to break your wallet to give your pet some comfort and care. 

7. No electric blankets.  It is not recommended that you give them an electric blanket. Chances are, the pup might end up nibbling on the wires or licking the cords. This could be a serious safety hazard for your pet especially if you are out. Your pet might get burned or electrocuted if left unsupervised with an electric blanket.  

There is nothing more comforting than a cozy blanket you can snuggle and cuddle with. Even human beings could relate to this feeling. This is why keeping a blanket for your pet is a must. Consider this a welcoming present to the newest addition to your family - a comfortable blanket that your pet could grow with. If you have any questions regarding the kind of blanket for your pup, send us a message