The Ultimate Guide to Using Essential Oils Safely on Your Furry Friend

essential oils safe for dogs

Essential oils have gained popularity over the years alongside holistic and wellness therapy gaining positive traction. People have turned their attention to organic and natural approaches. For dog owners, using essential oils for pets should be done with precaution. What is beneficial to us humans may be harmful to our dogs. Many would ask the question, “Are essential oils safe for dogs then?” Read below to understand more about essential oils for our dogs. 

What are essential oils? 

Essential oils are natural plant extracts that were drawn out either through the application of chemicals or through manual compression. These extracts are responsible for producing the fragrance which is used for aromatherapy. It is believed that aromatherapy in spas or hospitals can help relieve pain, improve mood and help the body relax. 

Can dogs use essential oils? 

Before using essential oils at home for personal relaxation or with your dogs, it is highly recommended to seek the advice of a veterinarian. Humans react differently to essential oils similar to having someone wear perfume. Have you had the experience where you had to wear perfume and got varying reactions from different people who smelled it? Some people find your scent appealing while others could find it appalling. The same goes with our pets, especially dogs which have more sensitive senses than ours. Our dogs react differently to the scent of essential oils thus professional guidance is advised. You can also consult an animal aromatherapist before using essential oils for pets. 

Usage of essential oils for pets 

These essential oils can be used either as a topical solution or ingested as supplements, providing different methods of application for their potential benefits.

When using essential oils topically, it's crucial to dilute them properly before applying them to your dog's skin. This helps to prevent any adverse reactions or sensitivities.

For ingestion, essential oils can be added to your pet's food or water, but it's important to note that not all essential oils are safe for internal use in dogs. Some essential oils can be toxic or harmful when ingested, so it's vital to do thorough research or consult a veterinarian or a certified aromatherapist, before administering any essential oils internally.

Choosing Essential Oils for Dogs

Essential oils vary thus not all of it has the same effect on pets. Some essential oils may be considered for pets while others are considered as poisonous. As a pet parent, it is expected that you do the necessary research and due diligence first. 

Unsafe for Dogs

  1. Tea Tree Oil: This oil, while beneficial for humans, can be highly toxic to dogs, especially if ingested or applied directly to their skin. It can cause symptoms such as lethargy, weakness, tremors, and even liver damage.

  2. Peppermint Oil: While peppermint oil can be safe in small, diluted amounts, concentrated forms of peppermint oil can be toxic to dogs. Ingestion or excessive topical application can lead to digestive issues, respiratory problems, and central nervous system depression.

  3. Clove Oil: Clove oil contains a compound called eugenol, which can be harmful to dogs if ingested or applied undiluted to their skin. It can cause liver damage, respiratory distress, and central nervous system disorders.

  4. Cinnamon Oil: Cinnamon oil is known to be irritating to dogs' skin and mucous membranes. Ingesting large amounts can cause gastrointestinal upset, liver disease, and even potential damage to the central nervous system.

  5. Wintergreen Oil: Wintergreen oil contains methyl salicylate, which can be toxic to dogs. Ingestion or excessive application can lead to gastrointestinal problems, kidney damage, and potentially life-threatening complications.

Safe for Dogs

As a dedicated dog breeder, we have discovered a selection of essential oils that we highly recommend for their safety and potential benefits for dogs.

Animal Scents - Ointment

This ointment is all about moisturizing, soothing, and nourishing your dog’s precious skin. It's like a spa treatment for their paws! Whether they're dealing with dryness or irritation, this gentle and natural solution is here to help.

Animal Scents - ParaGize

Whether you choose to diffuse it or apply it directly to their belly, this blend is designed to help ease their discomfort in the most gentle way possible.

Animal Scents - Puriclean

This awesome essential oil blend is here to lend a helping paw in cleaning up those minor wounds.

Animal Scents - Shampoo

This shampoo is all about that gentle touch while washing away dirt and leaving their coat smelling fresh. No need to worry about stripping away those natural oils.


Dilution of essential oils 

Diluting essential oils is dependent on the size of your pet, breed, and other factors. Before applying a topical solution of essential oil, you can do a patch test on an area that is not sensitive. The recommended safe ratio for using essential oil is 1 drop of essential oil to 1.5 tablespoons of Carrier Oil. If you are using Young Living products, you can also follow the directions on how to properly apply the essential oils. 

Safety Precautions in using essential oils

  • If your dog is pregnant, lactating, or has immunocompromised diseases, avoid using essential oils. The substances would be harmful to them and their developing fetus. 

  • Make sure that essential oils are properly diluted. The concentrated chemicals can cause skin irritations and other negative effects on their health. 

  • Be watchful and stay vigilant for any signs of side effects to your pets such as diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty in breathing, skin irritation, weakness, or excessive drooling. 

  • Make sure that the essential oils are out of reach for your pets. 

  • When applying essential oils, make sure to avoid the eyes or areas where your dogs could lick them. 

  • Keep your dogs away from rooms where a high concentration of essential oils is being diffused.  

In Conclusion

Essential oils are considered relatively safe for some animals. Safety precautions and professional advice are recommended to make sure that your dog is kept safe. As a pet owner, make sure that you are well aware of the possible side effects of using essential oils for your dogs. Take time to research and make keen observations when using essential oils inside your homes. Remember that some it could be safe for one pet but not for others. In addition, each essential oil is made up of different compounds. Each of which could have a different effect on your furry friends.

For even more recommendations on fantastic pet products, be sure to check out our blog and explore the Store tab. We're here to provide you with a wealth of information and help you find the best solutions for your furry companion's needs.