Welcoming Your 12-Week-Old Puppy Home After Completing 4-Weeks of Doodle School

Greetings from the Stokehire Family!

Congratulations on reaching this milestone in your puppy's journey through 4 Weeks of Doodle School! As a family deeply invested in the well-being and development of our furry companions, we understand the significance of this achievement. Armed with the knowledge and skills acquired during these past four weeks, you're now equipped to create an optimal environment for your puppy's growth and happiness.

Crate training stands as a cornerstone in the upbringing of your canine companion. It not only offers a secure and cozy sanctuary for your puppy but also plays a pivotal role in facilitating potty training and managing behaviors. In this guide, we'll delve into the significance of crate training and how it can benefit both you and your beloved pup on this incredible journey together.

Establishing Routine and Positive Association

First things first, it's important to continue our routine for your puppy's sleeping and bathroom habits. Take your puppy out to relieve itself right before bedtime, and again around 3:00 am. With a bit of adjustment to their evening routine, they may only need one nighttime potty break. During the day, ensure your puppy gets plenty of rest in their crate, gradually acclimating them to the space by placing it away from family activity at first. Our hope is that you will only need to do this for a few nights upon going home with you.

Transitioning from Co-Sleeping to Crate Training: A Gentle Approach

At Stokehire, we understand the importance of creating a smooth transition for your puppy as they adapt to their new environment and routine. One gentle approach we recommend is to begin with co-sleeping in their pet carrier for the first few nights before gradually transitioning them to a crate placed near the door nearest to their relief area. You want to be able to hear them around the middle of the night when they need to go potty.

Co-sleeping in their pet carrier allows your puppy to feel safe and secure, surrounded by familiar scents and sounds. This closeness helps ease any anxiety or apprehension they may have about sleeping alone in a new environment. During this time, you can bond with your puppy and establish a comforting bedtime routine, such as gentle cuddling or soothing bedtime stories. Your presence will calm them.

As your puppy grows accustomed to their surroundings and begins to feel more at ease, it's time to re-introduce them to their crate. Start by placing the crate near the door closest to their relief area, ensuring easy access for potty breaks during the night. Gradually transition your puppy to sleep in the crate by encouraging them to explore and enter voluntarily. Add treats! Use treats and positive reinforcement to create positive associations with the crate, making it a welcoming and comfortable space for your puppy. They are used to this! If you need to, you can cover the crate with a blanket to make it feel more like a den. It is okay to let them whine for the first few minutes. Don’t let them train you!

To aid in potty training and nighttime routines, consider installing a bell on the door nearest to the relief area. Teaching your puppy to ring the bell when they need to go outside helps reinforce good potty habits and provides a clear communication signal for both you and your puppy.

By taking a gentle and gradual approach to crate training and potty training, you can help your puppy feel confident and secure in their new environment while setting them up for success in their training journey. At Stokehire, we're dedicated to providing you with the support and guidance you need to ensure a smooth transition for both you and your beloved puppy.

Crate Entertainment and Positive Reinforcement

Make the crate a fun and enjoyable place for your puppy by providing them with toys, treats, and positive reinforcement when they enter. Use commands like "kennel" to help them associate the crate with a safe and comfortable space. Shower them with treats and praise when they enter the crate to reinforce positive behavior.

Emphasizing Positive Crate Experience

Avoid using the crate as a form of punishment and instead focus on creating a positive association with it. Use the crate for meals and remove the bowls once your puppy is finished, followed by a bathroom break. This will help them associate the crate with positive experiences and reinforce good behavior.

Continuation and Further Training

Potty training may take several months, so be patient and consistent with your efforts. Create a designated area with a potty pad for emergencies and remove rugs to simplify cleanup. Socialization and manners are also important aspects of training, so expose your puppy to new experiences and reinforce good behavior with praise.


Crate training your puppy takes time and patience, but with the right approach, it can be a rewarding experience for both you and your furry friend. Remember to establish a routine, provide positive reinforcement, and be consistent with your training efforts. With time and dedication, your puppy will learn to love their crate and become a well-behaved member of the family.


At Stokeshire, we understand that every puppy is unique, and factors such as breed, size, temperament, and individual development play significant roles in their training journey. While our Doodle School program aims to provide comprehensive training and support, we make no guarantees regarding specific outcomes or results.

It's essential to recognize that all puppies mature at different rates and respond to training methods differently. While we commit to implementing the best routine and structure for your puppy and equipping you with the necessary tools and resources, we cannot guarantee perfection or complete adherence to training protocols.

Even after completing 8 Weeks of Doodle School, ongoing daily training and reinforcement are essential for continued success and optimal results. Training is a lifelong process that requires dedication and consistency from both the owner and the puppy.

Refund Policy for Doodle School:

Please note that we do not offer any refunds for our Doodle School program under any circumstances. Our fees are paid directly to independent contractors involved in the training process and are non-refundable.

Throughout the training process, we encourage open communication. You're welcome to review progress, ask questions, and express any concerns you may have. Our team at Stokeshire is here to support you and your puppy every step of the way.