Tips for Traveling with Doodles


Traveling with your beloved canine companion can be a rewarding and memorable experience. However, it requires proper preparation and attention to ensure the safety, comfort, and well-being of your furry friend. In this guide, we'll provide you with valuable tips and insights to make your journey with your dog a smooth and enjoyable one. We’ve delivered puppies all over the country both by plane and by car. and do we have stories to tell.

Preparing Your Dog for Travel

  • Familiarize your dog with the carrier: Gradually introduce your dog to the carrier by placing treats, toys, and bedding inside. This will help them associate the carrier with positive experiences.

  • Gradual acclimation to car rides: Take your dog on short car rides to help them get used to the motion and build their tolerance for longer journeys.

  • Vet check-up and vaccinations: Ensure your dog is up to date on vaccinations and has received a thorough health check-up before embarking on your travels.

  • If you have a young puppy, we recommend pee pads that you can put on the floor. - We tend to want to hold our pups during travel - when we’re not behind the wheel that is!

Choosing the Right Carrier

  • Size and comfort considerations: Select a carrier that provides enough space for your dog to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably.

  • Safety features and regulations: Look for carriers that meet safety standards and have proper ventilation and secure closures.

  • Airline-specific requirements: If you're traveling by air, familiarize yourself with the airline's pet regulations and carrier specifications to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Packing Essentials for Your Dog

  • Food and water bowls: Bring collapsible bowls for meals and hydration on the go.

  • Leash, collar, and identification tags: Ensure your dog has a sturdy leash, a well-fitted collar with identification tags, and a recent photo in case of separation.

  • Comfort items: Pack familiar bedding, favorite toys, and a blanket to provide a sense of security and familiarity for your dog.

  • Medications and first aid kit: If your dog requires any medications, pack them along with a basic first aid kit for any minor injuries or ailments that may arise during your travels.

Keeping Your Dog Calm During Travel

  • Familiar scents and comforting items: Bring along items with familiar scents from home, such as a blanket or a piece of clothing, to help your dog feel more secure during the journey.

  • Calming aids: Consider using natural calming aids like pheromone sprays or calming music specially designed for dogs. Bring their favorite toys to provide comfort and distraction. There are also chews that you can purchase but be sure to check regulations for airlines concerning their policies. We’ve never had an issue with puppies being loud on a plane. They just want to know you are near!

  • Regular breaks for exercise and bathroom breaks: Allow your dog to stretch their legs, relieve themselves, and get some fresh air during rest stops. This will help them stay calm and reduce restlessness during the journey.

Finding Pet-Friendly Accommodations

  • Researching hotels, rentals, and campgrounds: Look for accommodations that explicitly state they are pet-friendly and provide facilities for dogs.

  • Checking pet policies and fees: Ensure you are aware of any specific rules or fees associated with bringing your dog to the accommodation.

  • Ensuring safety and comfort for your dog: Choose accommodations that offer secure outdoor areas, walking trails, or nearby parks for your dog's exercise and enjoyment.

Staying Hydrated

  • Importance of proper hydration for dogs: Dogs can become dehydrated quickly, so it's crucial to provide them with fresh water at regular intervals.

  • Bringing enough water for the journey: Carry an ample supply of water for your dog, especially if you're traveling to areas where water sources may be limited.

  • Portable water bowls and water bottle options: Invest in collapsible water bowls or special water bottles with integrated bowls for easy access to hydration on the go.

Wellness Kit

  • Grooming supplies: Pack essential grooming items such as a brush, shampoo, and nail clippers to keep your dog clean and comfortable during your travels.

  • Waste bags and cleanup essentials: Always carry waste bags to clean up after your dog and dispose of waste responsibly.

  • Basic training tools: Bring training essentials such as treats, clickers, and a leash to reinforce positive behaviors and maintain control in unfamiliar environments.

  • Dog-specific travel documents: Carry a copy of your dog's vaccination records, health certificates, and identification tags in case they are needed during your journey.

Emergency Preparedness for Dogs

  • Identification tags and microchipping: Ensure your dog is wearing an identification tag with your contact information. Microchipping is an added layer of security in case your dog gets lost or separated from you.

  • Contact information for local vets: Research and note down the contact details of veterinary clinics or emergency pet hospitals along your travel route.

  • Knowledge of local pet emergency services: Familiarize yourself with nearby emergency services, including animal poison control hotlines and pet-friendly emergency shelters.

Common Misconceptions and Mistakes

  • Not all dogs love to travel: It's important to recognize that not all dogs enjoy traveling. Pay attention to your dog's behavior and stress levels, and consider alternative arrangements if necessary.

  • Checking if accommodations are pet-friendly: One common mistake is assuming that all accommodations are pet-friendly. Always double-check and confirm that your chosen accommodation welcomes dogs.

  • Bringing enough water for the dog: Dogs can become easily dehydrated, especially during travel. Make sure to pack enough water for your dog to stay hydrated throughout the journey.

Do's and Don'ts

  • Do check the pet policy of your accommodation before making a reservation.

  • Don't forget to pack essential items for your dog, including food, water, leash, and bedding.

  • Do keep your dog hydrated by offering water regularly during breaks. We like to limit water and food to a minimum but still treat to avoid accidents and having to stop at locations to limit exposure for under-vaccinated puppies.

  • Don't assume all dogs love to travel; be mindful of your dog's comfort and stress levels during the journey.


Traveling with your dog can be a wonderful experience filled with unforgettable memories. By following these tips and guidelines, you can ensure a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable journey for both you and your furry friend. Remember to plan ahead, be mindful of your dog's needs, and make adjustments as necessary. With proper preparation and care, your adventures together will be cherished for years to come. Safe travels!

LifestyleJames StokesTravel