Protecting Your Stokeshire Doodle Puppy: Tips to Prevent Parasites and Illness from Feces

Welcoming a Stokeshire Doodle puppy into your home is an exciting and joyful experience. As responsible pet owners, it is essential to prioritize their health and well-being. One significant aspect of puppy care involves protecting them from parasites and illnesses that can be transmitted through feces. In this blog post, we will provide you with valuable tips and guidelines to safeguard your Stokeshire Doodle puppy from such risks.

Keeping a Clean Living Space

Maintaining a hygienic environment is crucial for preventing the spread of parasites and illnesses to your Stokeshire Doodle puppy. Regularly clean and disinfect areas where your puppy spends time, like their sleeping area, crate, and playpen. Promptly dispose of feces to keep the surroundings free from waste.

Practicing Hygiene

Personal hygiene plays a key role in preventing the transmission of parasites and illnesses. After handling your puppy or cleaning up after them, ensure thorough handwashing with soap and water. This reduces the risk of contamination and the spread of harmful pathogens. After addressing any indoor accidents involving dog feces or track marks from scooting, it's crucial to not only remove the waste as detailed previously but also ensure a thorough cleaning of the affected surface. Lysol stands as an effective disinfectant, capable of eradicating almost all zoonotic diseases, and it's safe for use on various indoor surfaces. Additionally, dog owners can craft a DIY disinfectant by combining equal portions of white vinegar, vodka, and cold water in a spray bottle, along with a dash of lemon juice. This homemade solution offers a natural yet potent means to disinfect surfaces in a pet-friendly manner.

Regular Veterinary Care

Schedule routine check-ups for your puppy with a veterinarian. Vaccinations, deworming treatments, and tests for potential health issues are vital. Follow the recommended schedules to protect your puppy from common parasites and diseases.

Consistent Parasite Prevention

Consult your vet to design an effective parasite prevention plan. Treatments for fleas, ticks, heartworms, and intestinal parasites may be included. Administer preventive medications as directed to shield your puppy from infestations and associated illnesses.

Supervising Outdoor Activities

Ensure clean outdoor spaces for your puppy to play in. Monitor closely to prevent contact with contaminated soil or feces from other animals. Limit access to areas posing a higher risk of exposure to parasites.


As responsible pet owners, understanding the risks linked to fecal transmission of parasites and diseases is crucial. Following these guidelines safeguards your pet's health and your family's well-being from potential hazards.

Practical Tips

  1. Risk Awareness: Educate yourself about fecal-transmitted illnesses.

  2. Waste Disposal: Properly dispose of pet waste and follow local regulations.

  3. Cleanliness: Maintain clean spaces to minimize contamination.

  4. Hygiene: Wash hands thoroughly after handling waste or pets.

  5. Veterinary Visits: Schedule routine check-ups and discuss preventative measures.

  6. Preventative Medication: Administer as directed by your vet.

  7. Avoid Contamination: Keep pets away from contaminated areas.

  8. Education: Share knowledge about prevention with others.

  9. Breeding Environments: Implement strict sanitation measures in breeding facilities.

  10. Prompt Treatment: Seek medical or veterinary help if symptoms arise.

Following these practices significantly reduces the risk of fecal-transmitted illnesses. Prevention is key for a healthier environment for you, your family, and your pets. Stay informed, maintain hygiene, and seek professional guidance when needed for a safer community.

How to Safely Cleanse Your Dog from Parasites

Worms and parasites needn't be a constant concern for your Stokeshire Designer Doodle. Discover three essential steps for a thorough parasite cleanse, including a powerful seed known to paralyze and expel worms from your dog's system.

Understanding Parasites

Parasites feed off their host's sustenance. From consuming your dog's food to thriving on blood, these organisms can cause diseases, affecting your pet's health. Recognize the signs and learn how to diagnose and address these concerns promptly.

Identifying Parasite Symptoms

Watch for indications like constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, or changes in appetite and energy levels. Reduced water intake or signs of dehydration may also signal a parasitic issue in your dog.

Diagnosing Worms

Most worm types are invisible to the naked eye in stool samples. A veterinary fecal test is crucial to identify and treat these parasites effectively. Observe changes in your dog's stool and symptoms to monitor progress during treatment.

Alternative to Chemical Dewormers

Avoid frequent use of harsh deworming drugs that could suppress your dog's immune system. Instead, consider periodic parasite cleansing routines to naturally support your dog's immunity against these invaders.

The Essential Parasite Cleanse Steps

Utilize Parasite Cleansing Herbs

Integrate these herbs, each renowned for expelling parasites from your dog's system. Employ them singularly or in combinations to find what works best for your pet.

  • Black Cumin Seed: Known for its versatility against various worms. Administer ½ to 1 tsp of whole seeds or adjust the dosage if using black seed oil.

  • Thyme: Ideal for combating hookworms. Use fresh or dried thyme in recommended portions.

  • Parsley: Effective against worms when prepared as an ice cube for daily consumption.

  • Chamomile: Works against roundworms and whipworms, aiding in inflammation reduction.

  • Olive Leaf: Offers parasite expulsion benefits, dosage dependent on your dog's size.

  • Oregano: With potent antibacterial properties, dilute the oil and mix it with your dog's food or opt for fresh leaves in meals.

Implement an Anti-Parasite Diet

Modify your dog's diet to eliminate grains and sugars that foster parasite growth. Focus on a whole food, raw meat diet, supplemented with specific seeds, vegetables, and fruits with low sugar content.

  • Pumpkin Seeds: Rich in compounds that paralyze worms, offering effective parasite control.

  • Vegetables: Include high-fiber options to encourage bowel movements and support gut health.

  • Pineapple, Garlic, Ginger: Natural foods known for their anti-parasitic effects and immune-boosting properties.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV): Effective in discouraging parasites when added to your dog's diet or water.

Introduce Probiotics for Digestive Health

Enhance your dog's gut health with probiotic-rich foods like fermented options, coupled with prebiotics like mushrooms, garlic, bananas, and dandelion greens. Digestive enzymes can also aid your dog's system in expelling parasites.

A Natural Approach to Parasite Cleanse

Regularly incorporating these herbs and foods into your dog's diet creates an inhospitable environment for parasites. Start implementing these steps to maintain your pet's gut health and combat existing parasitic concerns effectively.


Protect your Stokeshire Doodle puppy from parasites and illnesses by maintaining a clean environment, practicing proper hygiene, following vet care, implementing parasite prevention, and supervising outdoor activities. Recognize symptoms, conduct fecal tests, and use natural cleanses instead of chemical dewormers. Incorporate parasite cleansing herbs, modify the diet, and boost digestive health with probiotics for a holistic defense. Nurture your pet's health through natural methods to establish a robust defense against parasites, ensuring a vibrant, parasite-free life.