

We're the Stokes...

A Northern Wisconsin Family of Eleven who happen to really love dogs and kids. Our table is always loud and often messy, but our lives are full of laughter, snuggles, and the occasional scrap or two.

We're thankful every day for the opportunities we have been given to do what we love and bless others with our time, talents, and of course puppies!


We've discovered that even on the worst of days, somehow a dog can make it all better. And when everything is going just right, they're alongside us for our greatest adventures.

As we walk through life together, we hope that our passion and love for animals will be felt in your home as an extension of our family.

And our puppies will find purpose; enhancing the lives of many throughout the midwest and beyond.

As you look to grow your family, we thank you for taking the time to get to know us. We want to be a resource to you throughout this journey and we look forward to building and fostering a relationship that will stay with you for a lifetime.