Why We Add Australian Shepherds to Our Doodle Lines

Breeding practices in the canine world often trigger debates that are as passionate as they are perplexing. One such discussion that's sparked more than a wag or two of the proverbial tail is the decision to integrate Australian Shepherds into Doodles. This crossbreeding trend has its enthusiasts extolling the virtues of a 'designer dog' while traditionalists raise valid concerns about purity, or as we call it, inbreeding or linebreeding. Here, at Stokeshire, we offer our personal perspective on why the addition of the Australian Shepherd to Doodle lines is not only beneficial but, in many ways, revolutionary for creating dogs with superior trainability and social-emotional intelligence.

The Beauty Factor

Hybrid breeding is a meticulous process in which breeders strategically select two different, yet compatible, breeds to create offspring that possess desirable traits from both parent lines. For those enamored with the charm and character of Doodles, adding Australian Shepherds into the mix might appear unconventional at first glance. Yet, this crossbreeding offers a bouquet of compelling benefits.

The marvels of genetics pave the way for a fusion of beauty, variety, and practicality, making these hybrids a sought-after choice for dog lovers everywhere. Allow us to walk you through the key advantages of introducing Australian Shepherds to our Doodle lines:

Enhanced Beauty

Australian Shepherds are renowned for their striking appearance, characterized by a medley of enchanting eye colors and a magnificent spectrum of coat patterns. When merged with our Doodle lines, which are already beloved for their comely looks, the resulting hybrids inherit these attributes, amplifying their visual allure.

Coat Variety

One of the crowning glories of Australian Shepherds is their luscious coats that come in an array of textures—from wavy to slightly curly, and even a straight variant. By integrating an Australian Shepherd's genes, our Doodle lines gain access to this rich tapestry of fur types, beyond the classic Doodle curls. This not only creates a wider selection for potential pet owners but also allows for a degree of customization in terms of grooming and upkeep.

Reduced Size

While Doodles are cherished companions, their size can pose a concern for those residing in smaller abodes or seeking a pet that's easier to manage. The Australian Shepherd's genetics can serve as a benefactor in downsizing these hybrids, yielding a breed that retains the favorable qualities of a Doodle but in a more compact frame—perfect for varying lifestyles and home environments.

Improved Health and Vigor

Crossbreeding is a dynamic gateway to enhanced health. By welcoming Australian Shepherds into our Doodle bloodlines, we broaden the genetic diversity, which can militate against the propagation of heritable conditions sometimes found in pure breeds. This hybrid vigor tends to result in dogs with robust constitutions, potentially leading to longer and healthier lives.

The Trainability Factor

The Intelligence of Aussies and Doodles

It's common knowledge that Australian Shepherds and Poodles, the prime ingredients in our AMD Doodle mixes, are among the intellectual elite of the canine kingdom. According to Stanley Coren's research, Poodles are second only to the legendary Border Collie in terms of intelligence. Their cleverness is well-documented, with an aptitude for problem-solving that is both impressive and charming. On the flip side, Aussie Shepherds, renowned for their herding smarts, consistently prove themselves in complex activities and high emotional intelligence, which is hard to quantify.

Renowned Canine Researcher Puts Dogs’ Intelligence on Par with 2-Year-Old Human

Research method

Border collies are brightest

According to Coren, dog intelligence varies by breed. Border collies ranked top for working and obedience intelligence, followed by poodles and German shepherds. On average, dogs can learn 165 words; top 20% learn up to 250 words. Rico, a border collie, knew 200 words, showcasing exceptional learning ability akin to humans and apes.

Dogs are capable of some impressive cognitive feats. According to researcher Stanley Coren, dogs can count up to four or five and have an elementary understanding of arithmetic. They can even detect errors in basic computations, like 1+1=1 or 1+1=3.

Coren examined four studies that looked at how dogs solve spatial problems by modeling human or other dogs' behavior in a barrier-type problem. Through observation, dogs can learn the location of valued items, the fastest routes in their environment, how to operate simple mechanisms like latches, and the meaning of words and symbolic concepts.

During play, dogs can intentionally deceive other dogs and people to get rewards. In fact, according to Coren, "they are nearly as successful in deceiving humans as humans are in deceiving dogs."

Dog's Intelligence

Prof. Coren's research shows 51% of a dog's intelligence is genetic, 49% from environment.

Brightest dogs- Stanley Coren's dog intelligence ranking

Understanding of New Commands: Less than 5 repetitions.

Obey First Command: 95% of the time or better.

1. Border Collie

2. Poodle

4. Golden Retriever

Excellent working dogs

Understanding of New Commands: 5 to 15 repetitions.

Obey First Command: 85% of the time or better.

22. Bernese Mountain Dog

Average working and obedience intelligence

Understanding of New Commands: 25 to 40 repetitions.

42. Australian Shepherd

Success Stories of Training Triumph

Numerous anecdotes and training successes paint a vivid picture of the joint potential of Australian Shepherds and Poodles. Whether it's the sheer joy with which they tackle advanced obedience exercises or the speed at which they master agility routines, these crossbreeds display an unrivaled determination and flair for working tasks. They are dogs that thrive on challenges, their minds constantly hungry for the next puzzle to solve, the next decision to execute.

Social Emotional Intelligence

Reading the Human Soul

Beyond sheer cognitive prowess, what makes a dog truly exceptional is its ability to understand and respond to human emotions. Canines who excel in this realm forge bonds that transcend the mere owner-pet relationship. Both Australian Shepherds and Poodles possess a remarkable capacity to 'read' their human companions. By crossbreeding, we hope to enhance and amalgamate these emotional faculties into a new generation of supersocial dogs with coats everyone can tolerate.

Emotional Support Heroes in Fur

The anecdotal evidence in support of the emotional support capabilities of Doodle-Aussie crosses is overwhelming. They seem to intuitively know when a comforting nuzzle is needed or a playful frolic can dispel a gloomy mood. They are, for lack of a better term, 'empaths' in fur. Their presence is not just calming; it's restorative. For individuals seeking therapeutic benefits from canine companionship, these dogs are a godsend.

The Balanced Blend

Challenging the Stigma Against Crossbreeds

Critics of crossbreeding argue that it dilutes the unique qualities of each breed or that it may contribute to health concerns. However, meticulous breeding standards and thoughtful genetic pairings can actually strengthen the overall health and temperament of the resulting puppies. It's a matter of careful selection, ensuring the best representatives of each breed contribute to the gene pool. None of this is new, but somehow the stigma is.

Addressing Concerns Through Responsible Breeding

We take the health and well-being of our dogs seriously, conducting thorough health checks and maintaining high standards of care. By doing so, we work to eliminate inherited disorders or predispositions common to the parent breeds with high COIs (Coefficient of Inbreeding). This is not a haphazard mixing of genes but a thoughtful, calculated approach to breeding and raising dogs that are both robust and well-behaved - that are highly trainable and accustomed to modern life.

Meeting the Needs of Modern Lifestyles

In a world that's evolving at breakneck speed, the need for adaptable, intelligent companions is greater than ever. Australian Shepherd Doodles are, in so many ways, the golden mean — they are intelligent, trainable, and responsive to human needs. They are the perfect fit for those who lead active, varied lifestyles and seek a dog that can keep up with their demands both intellectually and physically.

In Conclusion

The decision to incorporate Australian Shepherds & Mini-American Shepherds into our Doodle lines is one rooted in a genuine desire to better the lives of future pet owners. The resulting dogs aren't just pets; they're partners in every sense of the word. They are proof that, sometimes, innovations in the world of dog breeding can elevate our four-legged friends to new heights of companionship.

For dog enthusiasts, pet owners, and breeders who place a premium on both aesthetics and practicality, the Australian Shepherd-Doodle hybrids are a testament to the power of careful, considerate breeding practices. They embody not only arresting beauty and versatility in coat variety but also adhere to the demands of modern pet ownership with their amenable size and vigor. The Australian Shepherd mixed with our Doodle lines doesn't just yield a visually captivating pet; it crafts a companion fit for the day-to-day joys and challenges of life with a furry friend.

For those of us entrusting our homes to one of these marvelous creatures, the sight of that curly coat mixed with the mischievous glint of the Aussie's eye is not a dilution of breed purity — it's a beautiful blend of heritage that promises a bright, wagging future.


Canine. “Smarter than You Think: Renowned Canine Researcher Puts Dogs’ Intelligence on Par with 2-Year-Old Human.” Https://Www.apa.org, 8 Aug. 2009, www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2009/08/dogs-think. Accessed 10 Apr. 2024.

James Stokes