Winter Comforts for Your Pet - Keep Your Pet Cozy Through the Winter with These Tips

All pets feel the cold, whether it's a dog, cat, or hamster. If you own a canine that loves nothing better than rolling around on the lawn during the summer or going for a walk at the local park, there are some things you'll need to do during the winter to ensure they remain both active and healthy. Stokeshire Designer Doodles explains how to keep your outside-loving pet happy during the cold. 

Keeping Your Pet Warm

A dog's size can often determine the risks it faces outdoors during the winter. Small to medium-sized dogs, for instance, are more at risk for frostbite and hypothermia when temperatures fall to 40 degrees than larger pets.

Just as you like to wrap up in winter, your dog, depending on the breed, may also appreciate some winter attire when you venture outside. You can buy it a winter coat or even some booties to stop snow from accumulating between its toes. 

Ensure your dog remains warm during the night by placing its bed complete with warm bedding away from any drafts, cold tiles, and any wooden flooring. To spoil it, consider providing a heated bed.

Keeping Your Pet Active During Winter

Because its time outdoors will be limited, it's crucial you find ways of keeping your dog active and stimulated during winter. It doesn't have the same appeal as outdoors, but playing fetch inside in the warm can work if you mix it up a little by getting your dog to fetch different objects. If you do choose to play outside, look online for product reviews from veterinarians to help you find good options for safety, like dog backpacks and harnesses. 

Having your dog find objects using its sense of smell is an excellent way of providing mental stimulation. One example is to hide its treats around the home for it to find or even hide its favorite toy somewhere to retrieve.

Swimming is an excellent form of exercise for your canine friend, and as it's low impact, it's a lot kinder on the joints. If taking your dog swimming outdoors in winter is out of the question, consider an alternative like booking some hydrotherapy sessions with a qualified trainer.

What about a dog treadmill to keep your pet physically stimulated? It'll get all the exercise it needs without facing the elements. When buying a treadmill, consider its size and check the maximum weight to ensure it's suitable for your breed of dog. Also, be sure to check its top speed and how much noise it makes.

Winter Allergies

As dogs spend more time outdoors during summer, prolonged periods indoors during winter make them susceptible to winter allergies. The environment usually causes these allergies, and types of allergens dogs may be affected by include dust mites, mold, and dry air with low humidity.

Symptoms that indicate your dog is suffering from an allergy could include a runny nose, itchy skin, sneezing, and watery eyes, among others. Treatments such as shampoos, medications, and desensitization therapy can help your dog overcome these winter allergies.

Sometimes changing your pet’s food can help with allergies, too. Take a look at grain-free and organic options, and talk to your veterinarian to see if one could be a good fit for your pet’s nutritional needs. If so, you may even want to switch out your pet treats, too!

doodle puppy

In the Meantime

Winter passes in the blink of an eye, and before you know it, you're back in the park playing fetch with your dog or watching it roll around on the lawn. In the meantime, ensure your pet remains healthy and active during the colder months by following some of the tips above.

Are you looking for a great family dog? Then consider a puppy from Stokeshire Designer Doodles. Contact us online regarding upcoming litters.