How to get a Therapy Dog in Your School: Best Dogs for Teachers

best dogs for therapy

Buddy passed his Alliance of Therapy dogs training!

Imagine going to school and having to pet a dog, sounds exciting right? Yes, some educational institutions allow therapy dogs to be around their students. This is not surprising at all as research shows that having pets such as dogs is beneficial to our physical health and well-being. However, it is important to be knowledgeable of the things to consider before getting a dog inside your campus. 

What is a therapy dog?

First off, let’s define what a therapy dog is. Therapy dogs, as per the American Kennel Club Association, are defined as those who work with their owners in helping improve the lives of other people. On the other hand, when saying therapy dog team, this pertains to both the dog and its handler who have undergone training such as hospital visits, working with those who are incarcerated, and those who are in nursing homes. According to the International Relation of Canine Professionals, these dogs are not provided with public access under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

What are the benefits of having a dog in a school or classroom setting? 

For those who already own a pet, you probably know by now how beneficial having dogs around is. But if it is your first time to consider getting a therapy dog in your school, below are just some of the benefits your students and the staff members could benefit from. 

Reduce Stress, anxiety, and depression. 

Students undergo stress especially when they are about to take important exams, present in front of the class, or may feel pressured by social acceptance or parental pressure. There are different kinds of stressors in school that students and educators need to overcome. Having a therapy dog around will reduce the amount of stress that they would feel. 

Have you tried petting a dog before recitation in front of the class? Chances are, you will sound more confident in public speaking. This is because your body is less tense, you are more relaxed and you will have more control over the things you want to say in front of the class. When your mood is improved and your self-esteem is higher, you are likely to believe more in yourself. 

Encourages physical activity 

Students are more likely to move around. They are encouraged to walk the dog and play a game of fetch.  

Reading companions 

Dogs may not have the ability to read but they can provide companionship which helps students read more confidently. Having them around also helps improve the children’s comprehension. In addition, having a dog around also helps in problem-solving and encourages stronger memory retention. 

Behavior reward

If you get to finish a project on time, you’ll be given 10 minutes to play with the dog. That sure is fun and exciting. Students will have something to look forward to while finishing up their schoolwork.

Science lesson 

Therapy dogs are not just great for our emotions but they can also be an excellent teaching tool. Be it in biology or animal behavior, it is much better seeing them in person than having to rely on photos in books or videos on our computers. 

Responsibility training 

Having a dog around means taking care of another breathing species. Students can learn the value of having real-life responsibilities. Tasks as simple as feeding the dogs or grooming them could be part of their core memory. Eventually, it would help them develop important life lessons and skills. 

What are the common objections to having a therapy dog in school? 

Now, you have understood the benefits of having dogs around. It is also important to know that there are common objections to having them. If you plan to have a therapy dog, you must be prepared to plan for these objections. 

  • Allergies. Schools are the home for different kinds of children. Some may be tolerant of having furry friends around but others would develop allergies if they are near a dog. Make sure to have a list of kids who are allergic to dogs and make a plan before the dog visits the campus. 

    It is also important to have a hypo-allergenic dog. This reduces the chances of activating the children’s allergies. It is also essential that the dog gets to have regular grooming sessions to help reduce the possibility of triggering their allergies. But more importantly, children with high-allergic reactions should be identified and must be kept at a safe distance from the dog.

  • Fear of Dogs. Our canine companion may be lovable, gentle, and friendly but not all the kinds will want to pet them. Some would be anxious just seeing our four-legged pet around their campus. Make sure to identify which kids are afraid of dogs so you can plan. No surprise visits as some kids could hide in fear. 

  • Legal implications and liability. Consent from all the stakeholders is very important. One needs to secure the approval of all the parties involved before taking the therapy dog inside the campus. 

  • Animal Care and maintenance. It should be clear who is in charge of the animal’s care and maintenance such as grooming, vet visits, and medicines. Is there a budget to be allocated by the school for this? 

  • Handlers/Supervision. Some parents could be apprehensive about allowing dogs to be around their kids. Questions such as, ‘Will their kids be safe around it? Or ‘Will the handler be able to control the dog while being around their kids?’ These concerns should be addressed so that parents would feel at ease in having therapy dogs around the school. 

  • Dog’s Security. Some would also get concerned about the dog’s welfare. Imagine having a lot of kids around it. The dog might get overwhelmed which could affect its mood. 

These are just some of the common objections you might encounter when introducing a therapy dog in a classroom or school. The key is to prepare and plan to objectively address each of these concerns. 

doodle therapy dog in school

Steps to take to get a therapy dog in a classroom

If you have the idea of having a therapy dog, it sounds doable. There are important steps that you need to consider first. Do not just bring a dog inside the room for the sake of having a class pet. 

  1. Decide on the ‘Why’. Why do you need a therapy dog in school? Is there really a need to get one? Evaluate the current situation and assess how a therapy dog could bring about improvement in the situation. Once you have determined the need, then you need to get the approval of all parties involved - school management, educators, teachers, and other stakeholders. 

  2. Research for organizations for therapy dogs.  Make sure that these dogs have undergone training from reliable organizations such as: 

  3. Prepare a schedule. Once you have secured all the necessary documentation and approval from concerned parties, plan ahead for your visits. Scheduled visits are recommended so students and educators won’t be caught surprised. This ensures the safety of the dog and also the people inside the campus.  

What are the kinds of therapy dogs?

There are different kinds of therapy dogs that you can choose from. Ultimately, the dog must have a calm demeanor and doesn’t get startled by sudden triggers. When the bell rings, the dog should remain calm and not anxious. Therapy dogs who have undergone the proper training are those who thrive to be around people. They enjoy being pets and they love providing support in return. If you are considering getting a therapy dog, check out these breeds below. 


Regardless of whether it's the standard poodle or mixed breed, Poodles are not intelligent dogs but they can also be excellent therapy dogs once trained. They are also gentle and loving pets that are great to be around students or adults.

Bernese Mountain Dog 

Some students may find their size to be intimidating but others would not miss a chance to hug them because of their huge build. These breeds are gentle giants and could be around kids. This breed is an excellent companion for outdoor activities with students.  Learn more about Bernese Mountain Dogs here.


These breeds are great for children and families. They are laid-back yet could easily be trained for obedience and therapy work. They love to be around people and shouldn’t be left alone for a long time. In addition, they do not shed a lot and are comfortable when being petted. 

Aussie Mountain Doodle

This dog breed is known to be affectionate, loyal, and friendly pets. They are highly trainable and eager to please their owners. They are also low in shedding and have a moderate energy level which could tolerate some hours of playtime with the students. 

How to help socialize the puppy as therapy dogs? 

Preparing the puppies for the privilege of becoming a therapy dog is important. There are important steps to take. 

  • Expose the puppy to different environments. Therapy dogs need to remain calm despite being in different environments and interacting with different kinds of people. Imagine 10-20 kids wanting to pet it at a time. The therapy dog should remain patient and not easily distracted by different voices. 

  • Train for basic obedience. The therapy dog should be trained at an early age with basic obedience. It would be challenging for the handler if the therapy dog is inconsistent in following directions. Training them while young will help them absorb the directions faster. 

  • Schedule a playdate with other dogs.  It is essential for puppies to learn how to socialize with other dogs. This will make them more comfortable in socializing with other members of the family. Exposing them to social events will make them comfortable dealing with other animals and humans they just met.  

  • Introduce different sounds. When the puppy is accustomed to different kinds of sounds and noise, they can adjust and won’t easily be startled.

  • Practice positive reinforcement.  Shower it with affection for a good job done. You can also provide some treats for following directions.  

How to get a certified therapy dog?

At this point, you might be considering getting a therapy dog for your school. If you want to learn more about how to get a certified therapy dog from us, read our article here: HOW TO GET A CERTIFIED THERAPY DOG

If you are worried about the funding, there are several ways to assist you with your plan. 

  • Grants - Check out some possible grant opportunities out there such as Petco Foundation or the American Humane Kennel Club. 

  • Donation Drive. Sell the idea and make people donate to your cause. 

  • Crowdfunding. Check sites such as Kickstarter or GoFundme to get some funding assistance.

  • Parent-teacher association (PTA). Introduce the idea at a PTA meeting, get their opinion, and sell the idea to them 


We offer different kinds of doodle puppy training at our Stokeshire Doodle School. If you want to learn more about how we train our dogs with therapy in mind, you can read more about it below or contact us! We are more than happy to assist you on your journey to having a therapy dog in your school.