Posts in Therapy
RED FERN MISSION: Kylie's Story - "You're Enough": How the Power of a Dog can help Overcome Educational Obstacles for an At-risk Alternative Wisconsin High School

I asked my students how they felt about the possibility of having a therapy dog at school and my students who suffer from anxiety had so much to say. One student said, “I had to work really hard to get to school because I had so much anxiety. I overcame it by talking with my teacher and making friends. If I knew there was going to be a friendly dog at school, it would be easier to feel comfortable and help me forget about being anxious.” Another said, “The only thing that used to make me get out of my bed during my serious depression was knowing that I had to let my dog out. My dog was really the only reason I could get up.”

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RED FERN MISSION: Kate's Story - Chasing Dreams: How the Power of a Dog Helped Overcome ADD

This is Kate’s Story: Learn about how a dog helped her conquer her ADD by brining structure, routine, purpose, and confidence!

ADD - Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder is the term commonly used to describe symptoms of inattention, distractibility, and poor working memory. Dogs help create consistency and make it easier for you to establish your goals and decipher what you need to do each day. It can also make it easier to schedule out the time needed to get each item on your priorities list done. One symptom of ADD/ADHD is difficulty with staying organized and planning ahead.

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National Therapy Animal Day

Today is National Therapy Animal Day created by Pet Partners to recognize all of the exceptional therapy animals who partner with their human companions to bring comfort and healing to those in need. Therapy animals and their handlers can be found helping people of all ages in a variety of settings including hospitals, pediatric care units, schools, and assisted living facilities.

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